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Anthony Waldner

Hello, I'm


~ A Little About Me ~

“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” ~Yogi Berra

Web Dev looking to make an impact in the community. Motivated, determined, creative, and always looking to learn and further my knowledge in programing.

Interests: Rasberrypi, Sports, 3D printing, Video Game Design, Graphic Design, Video and Photo Editing, Writing, Photography

Programing for me was not something I thought I'd see myself doing during my seniorr year of high school. Having one foot out the door, finding a new interest that did not involve video games was hard to believe at that time. Entering the class room and creating my first "Hello World" program felt like a big waste of time. However, as time went on, and some interesting projects later, I found myself creating programs and enjoying the feeling of building something from nothing.

Graphic design for me goes hand and hand with Front End Development. Using Adobe software is a major advantage when it comes to designing icons and buttons for a webpage. Learning how to use softwares like Illustrator and Photoshop only furthered my interest in Web Development

Sports, either playing one or rooting for a team, have always been a huge influence on my life and how I grew up. Playing a team sport, I was able to grow up learning the values of working together, handling defeat and handling victory. Knowing my role and fulfilling my duty was all a part of the job as a member of a team.



Graduate of SUNY University At Albany on 5/16/2021

Bachelor of Science, Major in Informatics, Concentration in Interactive User Experience, Minor In Economics

Relevant Coursework: Digital Design, Digital Project Management, Social Media Analysis, Data and Databases , Interactive Design, Intro to Engineering Design, Programming for Problem Solving, Intro to Social Research, Networks and Systems

Relevant Udemy Coursework: Cyber Security, Python, Java, Linux, Unity, PHP


Personal Projects and Experience

Content UX Designer (Front-End) ListeningHere Mobile application. Albany,NY. Semester long Coursework

Created interface, using HTML and CSS, to log location in a connected database using PHP and MySQL. As a team, we were able to create an interactive and appealing GUI for the purpose of logging and organize.

As the appointed Leader of Content Group, It was my responsibility to oversee design objects like buttons and text while also assuring connection to database. I also was responsible for keeping notes during individual meetings and contacting and collaborating with other teams.

While the meetings took place remotely through Zoom, group communication was mainly kept organized through Slack and Task management was through Trello.

Online Store Front For Local Business (Front-End) Project For Local Business Farmingdale, NY

Created interface, using HTML and CSS, to build an interactive website for customers to contact and locate a local small business.

Custom logos, signs and graphics using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Very simple design with the purpose to have customers order online, find contact information, and directions to the location. The website was hosted through Google Domain, and GitHub Pages

Personal Closet App (Full-Stack) Personal Project Dix Hills, NY

My intended goal is for this mobile application to log, add, and delete clothing that I own. Although the application is in its early stages, the interface is appealing and professional. Using Terminal, I was able to use my IMac's IOS simulator for testing and Expo Go for on device testing. Some future planning I look forward to is implementing plans on using PHP to create database for clothes and outfits

Although this project will take some time, I am excited to have the ability to use this app once it is fully completed. This app will make my life easier being able to see and log all my clothes in one place.

Social Media Analysis (Research) Semester long Coursework Albany,NY

For this project, I used Python and Instagram parsing API to conduct research on Instagram interaction algorithm. I monitored the use of emojis on newly posted pictures and organized them into a Pandas database.

This project was graded semester long project in which I showcased my research findings.


Contact Me

Twitter 🐦
Linkedin 👨‍💻
GitHub 🐱💻
Resume 📜

Want to Reach out? Email me!